Join Us
Startup Kashmir is an unrivaled collection of tech and business leaders, experts, investors, entrepreneurs, students and corporates uniting to form the most influential Kashmiri group ever. Build a strong technology bridge between the budding entrepreneurs in the state and seasoned entrepreneurs globally.
If you are an entrepreneur or have a company, join us to get connected with mentors,
markets and investors. We look for startups that want to grow and become global.
Get on board and start growing.
Anyone from J&K can be the member or an advocate for Startup Kashmir. Once you are inducted in Startup Kashmir, network you will get access to startups and businesses in Kashmir and businesses run by Kashmiris across the
globe. You will attend Startup Kashmir events and participate in Startup Kashmir working groups.
You will be listed on Startup Kashmir website.
On the approval of your membership, you will be explained the purpose and goals of the group by email.
For now, our one ask for you is to expand the Startup Kashmir Advocate network by
sharing this link to your friends and family.
If you have it in you, we give you an opportunity to represent your city of residence as our mayor. You will leading our initiatives and connect the awesome Kashmiri community in your city. You will be the part of global Startup Kashmir community. Contribute and make a difference.
As a Campus Mayor you represent your institution in Kashmir or globally. You will be responsible to run various Startup Kashmir programs in
your institution with an aim to promote entrepreneurship and help fellow
students community.
You get an opportunity to nurture the next generation of brilliant Kashmiri startups and entrepreneurs to achieve their goals and realise their potential. Based on your expertise startup will be mapped & assigned to you.
Join our prestigious angel investor group and start investing in carefully curated startups and entrepreneurs. You get access to varied ideas and deals from entrepreneurs and an opportunity
to networking with other investors.
Showcase Your Business
Whether you are running your own business or a company in Kashmir or elsewhere, expand your reach and get connected to businesses around the world. Showcase your business and get noticed.